Sinopian View

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Traffic cop vs. VIOLATOR

Traffic cop vs. VIOLATOR

A motorcycle officer stops a man for running a red light. The guy is a
real jerk and comes running back to the motor officer. The violator
demands to know why he is being harassed by the Gestapo! So the officer
calmly tells him of the red light violation. The "Motorist" instantly
goes on a tirade, questioning the officer's ancestry, sexual
orientation, etc., in rather explicit terms.

The officer, being a professional, takes it all in stride,
figuring"battleship mouth and rowboat ass".

The tirade goes on without the cop saying anything. When he gets done
with writing the citation he puts an "AH" in the lower right corner of
the narrative portion of the citation. He then hands it to the"Violator"
for his signature.

The guy signs the cite angrily, tearing the paper, and when presented
his copy points to the "AH" and demands to know what it stands for. The
officer then removes his mirrored sunglasses, gets in the middle of the
guy's face and said, "That's so when we go to court, I'll remember you're
an asshole!"

Three months later they are in court. The "Violator" has such a bad
record he is about to lose his license and has hired an attorney to
represent him.

On the stand the officer testifies to seeing the man run the red light.
Under cross-examination, the defense attorney asks, "Officer, is this a
reasonable facsimile of the citation you issued my client?"

Officer responds: "Yes sir, this is the defendant's copy, his signature
and mine, same number at the top."

Attorney: "Officer, is there any particular marking or notation on this
citation you don't normally make?"

Officer: "Yes sir, in the lower right corner of the narrative there is
an 'AH', underlined."

Attorney: "What does the AH stand for, officer?"

Officer: "Aggressive and Hostile, Sir."

Attorney: "Aggressive and hostile?"

Officer: "Yes, Sir."

Attorney: "Officer, are you sure it doesn't stand for Asshole?"

Officer: "Well, sir, you know your client better than I do!"


“war” is what neo-con Republicans want every American to call the situation in Iraq, because this one word gives them more power than they could possibly get any other way.

It is time we stop calling it “the war in Iraq,” and time we start calling it what it is: the military occupation of Iraq. This is not just semantics. It is a matter of life and death.

From Dangerous Intersection

Senator John McCain says he felt safe walking out into Baghdad. He should have, standing in the middle of a couple of reinforced rifle companies, thick air cover and in body armor. It was grandstanding and opportunism at it most egregious.

David Brooks of the New York Times comments that McCain's single minded support of the surge from the near sighted focus on the role of the US military has too little regard for the needs and the unremitting suffering of the Iraqi people. The pacification efforts have provided a checkerboard of safe market days and some small joy in children's play grounds, but the squares empty of death and destruction today become the targets tomorrow.

The situation on the ground now is not what our very fine infantry was trained for. It is very much a very successful organization of rolling death and destruction. It was not meant to be a well armed nanny. It is now being held in place only to suffer a thousand cuts and then a thousand more. It is tragically noble on the part of the individual G.I.s but a sinister gambit of opportunism by the W administration.

The daily accumulation of reportage of the thousand cuts is to be found here.

The daily carnage is spread across the Iraqi canvas like a painting by Jackson Pollock.

My wifes niece is now being readied to join the surge. She has a one year old girl child.

(click on pic for larger view)

From Com_Bat_Ra_Coon

. . .they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

A. Lincoln
A portion of the Gettysburg address

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Obie Wan Ka-Wobble

Yes, yes. The great diversion begins. Just as AG Gonzales goes to the Congress to be grilled a bit, Karl Rove brings out his production of, "Look! Over here. Voter fraud!! We have to get to the bottom of this!!!"

Atlantic Online has just published a piece on the coming Karl and Friends Production of the Potomac River Dance.

Now I know that continued criticism of the way things are being done is quite annoying to some of my friends and relations but when the characters in the current tragi-comedy just as much invite a pie in the face, then it must be done.

It is to my great pleasure and fond regard that the first Republican President, Abe Lincoln, was born in my home state just a few miles from where I was born. His ancestors settled in the same river valley as mine. I take great pleasure in reading anything that comes out about him. I might recommend the Doris Kearns Goodwin book Team of Rivals to you. It is a book that everyone who claims to be a Republican should read.

In my state we have a new Governor.

Governor Charlie Crist

He is a Republican and served in the JEB administration. He is quite likeable in a way that JEB was not. JEB of course wanted to have an honorary degree from the University of Florida bestowed on him but the recommendation and award had to come from the University academic staff. It was a no go. Now a building housing the School of Education has been chosen by the Florida Legislature and shoved down everyones throats. I am thinking that he would have done better by approaching Ave Maria University down in South West Florida. Educational governor, indeed!?

Yes. Spring is setting in. The greening will not be denied. This is my favorite time of year in Kentucky. My parents chose to depart this plane about this time of year. It is bittersweet.

Don't forget to click on the Penguin.

Lantern Bearer


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bada Bing

For a larger view see

This President and his familiars are not above the law nor are they the law. They represent and administer in the name of the American people, not just those who voted for him.

Will your son or daughter, your grandson or granddaughter be sacrificed to the Molec that this administration worships?

It is not that we have not spent enough money buy off any danger that faces us in the wide world. It is that this administration has chosen to make people's lives miserable in a far away place for the sake of preventing a few who would attack us by our own design. The long tail of this administration going back to Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers has created an enemy. It has armed this enemy and it had provided provisions and means for it to attack us at will.

Albert Gonzales sought to prevent the investigation of high crimes and misdemeanors among advantage takers along ideological lines. The evidence is clear and the actions are known to many. If their agenda was right, why would it have to be denied and covered in lies and the convenience of hazy recollection?

Mr. President. Your house is not in order.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blog Editing

I have been experimenting with blog editors. I am composing this on Google Docs. I usually compose post here using the native Blogger editor. The reason I am posting from Docs now is that I have also been experimenting with Scribefire. It is a Firefox Add-on recently estranged from its nest at Performancing.

Much to my disappointment the Scribefire linking to this Blogger site is buggy. I have Googled for comments and a fix but to no avail. For now I will continue to keep the Scribefire pane open on my screen because it is a very nice tool that incorporates my categories into the Categ. button. The buggy linking will eventually work out. I do have one gripe about the functioning. Whenever I close out the original window in my speed browsing, I have to sign back in when I want to post another bookmark. There is no remember me next time and Firefox does not invite a remember.

I have been a user of Google, Firefox,, and other web based services for things that here-to-fore I kept on my HD. Well, that is not completely true because I am not fully trusting of the off HD storage just yet and I back up to CDs by category and project.

Old school blogging has been a practice of getting your thoughts out there in as many places as possible and to have a blog on one or several blogging hosts. I have had several experimental sites that reached my email list and some of the sites that usually turn out to be cat fight venues. Otherwise, I have been spammed dizzy by every sort of racket. The recent rise of social network sites has not changed the cat fight game. Those sites (MySpace, Facebook, Friendster and others ) have become notorious for "Girls Gone Wild" and stalking content. As an aside, much to my delight I have found a Google Group that is named after my home county in Kentucky and draws contributors from surrounding counties. It is quite amazing. I know some of those people personally, I may know their families and I may even be related to them by either blood or marriage. There are the usual curmudgeons there but there is an amazingly deep and simpatico number of individuals with whom I would have never communicated otherwise.

The newest push in blogging is in the direction of what has come to be called web2.0. It is the new school. The goal in web2.0 is high quality original content and monetization from the presence of clickable ad placement. In other words, if you are good you get checks. I can go for some of that. How about you.

In these four short paragraphs, I have discovered why I would prefer to be able to post to my blog from Scribefire. The foremost reason is that I have several words that I always misspell and even though Google Docs calls my attention to it, it does not allow me to correct with a right click. I have just noticed that my Firefox Spell Checker has disappeared since a recent update. The linkmaker that presents you with the Blue Links is also a bit clumsy. 'm'I bad! I just spotted the Check Spelling button.

I believe that I will post this at that my home county Google Group site.

Got to go. I heard a noise in the yard. I believe that a coyote is trying to get in my new chicken run.

Monday, April 09, 2007

It is quite interesting . . .

how Easter is reported in a Middle Eastern news site.

Out of all the photos that could be displayed, they chose this one. This is precisely how the ME views Christianity as a reflection of America.

It is what every Muslim hates and fears about Western society.

It is also strange that the news also acknowledges the sacrifice that has been made by Western troops, albeit faint praise.

Iraqis burn US flags on Baghdad fall anniversary

Sadr calls on Iraqis to protest US occupation of Iraqi four years after fall of Saddam Hussein.

Since the invasion of March 20, 2003, tens of thousands of Iraqis have died in insurgent attacks and sectarian violence.

The four years have also been brutal for the US forces in Iraq.

By Hassan Abdul Zahra - NAJAF, Iraq


Bernice the Hen

I have a chicken. I rescued it from one of the barns where my daughter had boarded her horses. Its nest sibs were killed by an otter or a raccoon. I brought it home and have been raising it in a large parrot cage on my screened lanai. Until a week ago I was not sure of its sex. Starting two weeks ago, it would crow for morning. Then a week later, I found an egg on the bottom of the cage. I immediately prepped a nesting box and attached it high in the cage. During Easter Week, I received an egg a day.

Now there are some of you who will find this completely mundane and of little interest. Just think about it if you will.

Her name really is Bernice. I was being creative with the Paris moniker in the previous post.

Lantern Bearer
