Please refer to . . .

I saw my friend Jim. . .
in the hospital on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. He is very frail. I was glad to see that there were no tubes in his throat and I expected to hear some utterance from him but none came."
My friend Jim is out of the hospital and is now home. He has made a good recovery but he is still frail. He is being fed by a direct tube to his stomach. It is not the best but he is hanging on. The next events for Jim and Wilma are going to be that they sell their upstairs condo and move into something downstairs and maybe away from our very crowded and now over priced and over taxed metropolitan area.
Christmas morning, starting at 5am I made a run to Orlando to pick up Jims daughter who flew all night from Juneau AK, to Seattle to Orlando. We were back around 11am. We were just in time to catch the passing of the cold front that originated in Arctic Siberia last week and had dumped snow and rain on the AK panhandle down to CA and across the Midwest and upper south. It caught us in the last 15 minutes of the trip as we topped a high bridge over the bay. The wind was gusting and the rain was sideways and blinding. We completed the trip without incident.
Jima will help Wilma sort and toss. She has been anticipating this for several weeks. She will stay a month and then get back to her job in AK which will kick into high gear in anticipation of the spring thaw.
My daughter Ameri is in school and is taking a Med Tech course. She has her scrubs and is collecting her med tech paraphernalia. It is all new and great fun in this early going. The school is within walking distance and there are plenty of job ops in the immediate neighborhood.
Some people wait a lifetime and never get the picture of the cat in the tree. This is the cat from the road that daughter Ameri brought home. He climbs where no cat we have had before has clumb (the archaic usage).
More later.
Lantern Bearer.