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When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Forums with Link Juice

Forums with link juice
In the last few days or so I have been compiling this list of forums that give out lots of link juice.

What is that ?

Any experienced forum poster already knows that one of the benefits
of posting in forums is the fact that they allow forum signatures to be
attached under each of your posts. The forum signatures can in theory
contain links to sites that you choose. But not all
forums, forum administrators rather, treat signatures the same. Some
limit the number of links you can have in them, some will put a
nofollow in them, some will not even let you have a signature …

Table explanation

Let me just explain a little bit of what each column below mean. Alexa is the Alexa ranking of the the forum in order to judge if the forums has enough visibility. The PR (pagerank) can in turn affect the pagerank your signature links might acquire in the future. Links limit column displays the limit imposed on the number of links you can have in your signature. The next column Active displays if there is a minimum amount of posts needed to be posted before one is allowed to edit their signature links. NF

(NoFollow) column means if the links are assigned a “rel=nofollow” in
which case no link juice is actually passed (forum owner is not
vouching for any of the links of his forum users). RSS feed
is a way to get an extra link to your blog in which case in the options
of your profile you can provide the RSS feed of your blog and the
latest post will always be linked from your every post.

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