Ameri Called

She is on the move again within her new "family". She is surrounded with a lot of people who are good hearted no matter their circumsatances. It is very cold where Ameri is. She is slowly retrieving her posessions and getting some warmer clothes from the Salvation Army. Prior to this, a Salvation Army Thrift store was not on her agenda. When my older daughter, Margae, visits we like to go thrifting. Ameri would have none of it. We have offered to send her warm coat, gloves and scarves but she figures it is just a trick to pin her down to a location. "No, thanks. I'll get by." she says.
On the phone with Mom there was talk of visiting nearby for Thanksgiving. No, not going to do that. Mom asked about coming home before Christmas and getting ready to knock out the last high school class that is needed for graduation. Maybe. Everything is still up in the air.
Headaches, broken sleep and sneezing fits have signaled me that a viral bug is taking its best shot at me. I can shake off and avoid the worst that can bring but I am still affected enough to have my edge turned and my wits dulled a bit.
We got a blast of cold today. It was the same cold that was dusting Ameri with snow three days ago. I don't do well with cold and snow any more. My last sortie into that kind mess was two years ago. I'll not go willingly again.