Sinopian View

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Ameri gets fired, but I have cats

I felt a bit of relief yesterday when I learned that Ameri was working at McDonalds. She worked two days. Today she started some verbal dust-up with a co-worker and both were canned.

Ameri called Mom to tell her the news. She is in her rapid cycling phase now. She is here for a moment and then in a detached angry state. She has lost her shelter spot in the family home where she has been staying. Out of town family are going to be staying over. This should be cause for another crisis episode. It may be that she breaks down and allows us to get her home or she will do something to get back into a hospital. The holidays, starting with Halloween, are usually troublesome. That trouble continues to around Easter. It has always been so. Ameri's birthday is in February but she is not an Aquarian as I am. It is, as if, she is reliving her birth trauma.

I spoke with my older daughter this evening. I still have to create a cover name for her. She is following my posting. When she graduated from college, she left her two cats with me while she traveled for a couple of years. I have grown very fond of those cats. They are sisters, litter mates. They are both around fifteen pounds. They are just great long cats. They are Charlotte and Emily. Charlotte is diabetic and so I must give her daily injections of insulin. Charlotte is very close to me at all times. Usually under my bare feet at the computer. Charlotte competes with the dogs. She is very aggressive at getting to any food bit that hits the floor. Emily is distant and has special times when she seeks out attention. Emily was Ameri's cat. Every night when Ameri was getting ready for bed she would search out Emily from her hiding places. She would take Emily into her bed room, close the door and snuggle with her until she fell asleep. I would always check and let Emily out when Ameri was asleep. There would be some nights when Emily would just come into Ameri's room and get up on the bed. My older daughter likes having a little sister. We have a summer tradition of getting together for a bit of resorting. Even though Ameri has done much to strain that relationship, my older daughter still holds out that Ameri will come around. We were just all together in July.

I have it! We shall call older daughter, Margae. It is just close enough and it has overtones of both her Gaelic and Teutonic ancestry.

If we, my reading public, spend enough time here together, you will get to read the story of "Waiting for Margae."

I am posting on a Politics and Current Events site. I have insinuated my MAD (Brit. sense.) bad self into the posting stream in a very cheeky way. I like cheek. Cheek always has a bit of a smile behind it. Arrogance, on the other hand, is one of my least favorite attitudes.

Ameri always had attitude. Sometimes it was abidable, sometimes not. She has a pattern that seems to be a contant outpicturing of all the hurt and deprivation she experienced in the first three months of her life. She plays it out now in the cold and snow.


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