Sinopian View

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Friday, November 11, 2005

Ameri in the Cold?

We have heard nothing from Ameri for 36 hours. The over night temperatures, where she is, are in the thirties. We have had no response from the last people to have contact with her. Our last dose of reassurance is now wearing off. Is it time to worry again. Is it time for more aggressive communication. Are there new noses we can tweak or toes to step on. This is a roller coaster. This is a nightmare.

The very manner in which Ameri seeks help and then rejects it is the classic manifestation of Borderline Personality Disorder. The more primitive parts of the inner brain have taken dominance. The escape instincts take over. The cycle is respite, fright, and then flight. We were told that she is just not motivated for treatment now. Where is the starting point for that. We know that medication for the symptom may have to come first. Brain function may be a process of chemical infusion first, then electro reaction and finally the mechanics of chemical transference on to cellular surfaces. Brain chemistry is affected by the chain of events that begins at conception and then is refined in the early weeks of life, ex-uteri, by the quality of care given the infant. Interruptions in these critical early weeks skew the developing processes and misdirect the growing neural links. If, then, any genetic proclivities are added in, the emerging human takes a path that departs from the norm and the result is an adult/child manifesting just what we now see in Ameri. It is all too common a scenario. Our prisons are based in shame and are full of minds that emerged from just that path. The mental health patient population is based in shame and is full of minds that emerged from just that path. Not all those affected by developmental aberrations are in jail or in the hospital. They are on the street and are in high corporate or public office. They exist throughout out our society and the world society. The difference is magnitude of impairment and the functions of a remnant of self control.

Ameri does not feel the cold the way I do. Although it will affect her in much the same way as any other exposed to it, she does not have the same reaction to seek shelter and remain there. Being in a safe place is just not the same to her as it would be to toy or me. The conflict that arises from helping attention and the requirements of bending to simple rules is overwhelming to Ameri. Her inner adult/child reacts like a pet lizard that escapes from a warm display tank. The unknown world outside the tank is preferable to the safety of the tank.


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