Sinopian View

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Monday, December 04, 2006

A Holiday Read Recomendation

I am unable to watch television, listen to talk radio or, read much fiction anymore. I am now reading the Greek that was the basis of a classic education until a hundred odd years ago and I and re-establishing a relationship with math functions and physics.

I have also become a book harvester. The number of recently published books that are available in thrift and used book stores is astounding. My current crop includes Malcom Gladewell's Blink and Tipping Point and Freakanomics by Bates and Levit. They Google easily. I have roughly $10, in $90 worth of cutting edge non-fiction. For the classics in Greek, Latin . . . any language, there is the Gutenburg Project. The current book business models are as archaic as watching for arriving sailing vessels from atop cathedral spires.

Really, the three books mentioned above are not just engaging, they will take you in their grasp and give you a brain shake.

May I also recommend a closer cleaving to Google for the near term. Buy some stock. If no stock then, dig around in it for all your worth. The old paradigms of knowledge and governance are about to be "Googled" (a verb for change) out of business.

Also. I have, through somewhat coerced circumstances, cut my ties to the wire phone company. I just settled my account with them and am now going VOIP, WiFi-enabled, and pre-pay cellular. (10 cents a minute) You will to in due time. The wire phone company is dead to a whole generation. The wire Internet is dead as well to that generation. The only morsel left from that technology is Optical Fiber and it may be too little too late for a consumer market. The only way that business is going to continue to have a say is by the imposition of regulations (on you) that they have preached were unnecessary and bad for business.

Regulation? Did you know that with little or no trouble, you, as a law abiding citizen with a credit card and a computer are able, this very evening, to buy any automatic assault weapon you could desire. If you wanted to own a quad 50 cal. (mounting your choice) setup, you could start those arrangements this very evening and have possession in a week or 10 day. You may do all this in a "Blink." We have reached a "Tipping Point". Our Western civilization has gone further into red shift. We can afford to show some love. If not that, then order the assault weapon. Just keep in mind that there is a whole new class of weapons available legally only to the military and to law enforcement that are one shot and the building comes down around your jelly like corpse that is puddling around your assault weapon.

This concludes by brain belch of the evening. Have a nice red shift.

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