Rumsfield Chaney
Today in Iraq
Please, be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, be responsible.
I have read much of what is available re: Rummy. He along with
Chaney have been the Princes of inflexibility that have kept this mess afloat since it became obvious to the more practical leadership of both parties that they R and C were being quite limiting by their very inability to admit any error.
The Rummy/Chaney dynamic is now broken. Chaney may now conveniently have a coronary event that allows him to slip away into medical retirement and from the comeuppance that he richly deserves.
I am a very forgiving adversary. I must however in this case withhold any appreciation toward Rumsfeld because he had to have his ass handed to him by the voters. Chaney will never be able to say "Hold, enough . . ." and drop his sword arm. He will have to be grilled in Congress, maybe twice, before he pulls the heart dodge.
The ultimate good that may come of this is that W, now free from the headlock by the above mentioned duo, will act on his own over the next two years to make some amends. I have read a good deal of what is available re: George Walker Bush. He is a bumbler and a good-ol'-donkey-git-along-boy, but he has been out of character since he handed himself over to the Neos. He may yet display some of the better heart that is in him. He has two years. He owes as much to his dad, who has been in great pain over the mess that has been created in his son's name.
So. I am going to call this a defeat for the Neos. They deserved it. Now W must rise above the smoking ruins and be really presidential. He owes it to himself.
Lantern Bearer
__________________Chaney have been the Princes of inflexibility that have kept this mess afloat since it became obvious to the more practical leadership of both parties that they R and C were being quite limiting by their very inability to admit any error.
The Rummy/Chaney dynamic is now broken. Chaney may now conveniently have a coronary event that allows him to slip away into medical retirement and from the comeuppance that he richly deserves.
I am a very forgiving adversary. I must however in this case withhold any appreciation toward Rumsfeld because he had to have his ass handed to him by the voters. Chaney will never be able to say "Hold, enough . . ." and drop his sword arm. He will have to be grilled in Congress, maybe twice, before he pulls the heart dodge.
The ultimate good that may come of this is that W, now free from the headlock by the above mentioned duo, will act on his own over the next two years to make some amends. I have read a good deal of what is available re: George Walker Bush. He is a bumbler and a good-ol'-donkey-git-along-boy, but he has been out of character since he handed himself over to the Neos. He may yet display some of the better heart that is in him. He has two years. He owes as much to his dad, who has been in great pain over the mess that has been created in his son's name.
So. I am going to call this a defeat for the Neos. They deserved it. Now W must rise above the smoking ruins and be really presidential. He owes it to himself.
Lantern Bearer
Today in Iraq
Please, be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, be responsible.
You have no business to believe me.
I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself. . .
If you have not a critical mind, your visit here is useless.
G.I. Gurdjieff
I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself. . .
If you have not a critical mind, your visit here is useless.
G.I. Gurdjieff
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