Sinopian View

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Ameri on the Road Today

I had a night of broken sleep interspersed with anxiety dreams. I had to get up several times to walk around the darkened house. The dogs were restless all night. Their movements and alerting growls that usually give me confidence became an irritant.

We have heard nothing from the authorities this morning. I have posted a fax to the dispatcher and I had to leave a voice mail at the main police number.

The tragedy of the tornado deaths in Indiana may make my tragedy small by comparison but I have to keep at it.

It is interesting that I keep thinking about how societies and civilizations rarely disappear until they go into internal decline. A symptom of that internal decline for America, the country, not my daughter, is the epidemic of mental disease. Who will be the one to turn over the control of the country to the conquerors. Certainly not those who have the least to loose. It will be those who have accumulated the most and will do anything to preserve it. They are in place now and they have made every arrangement against the day they must abandon ship and turn Quisling. Do you supose that the conquerors will allow the psychiatric medication dispensing system to remain in place?

It's my blog. I will rant as I wish.


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