Sinopian View

When a dog barks at the moon, then it is religion; but when he barks at strangers, it is patriotism! ~David Starr Jordan

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Taliban in Control of 54% of Afganistan

Afghanistan 'falling into hands of Taliban'

· Frontline getting closer to Kabul, says thinktank
· Aid not going to those who need it most, warns Oxfam

Graphic: Taliban presence in Afghanistan

Richard Norton-Taylor
Thursday November 22, 2007
The Guardian,00.html

The Taliban has a permanent presence in 54% of Afghanistan and the country is in serious danger of falling into Taliban hands, according to a report by an independent thinktank with long experience in the area.

Despite tens of thousands of Nato-led troops and billions of dollars in aid poured into the country, the insurgents, driven out by the American invasion in 2001, now control "vast swaths of unchallenged territory, including rural areas, some district centres, and important road arteries", the Senlis Council says in a report released yesterday.
How can this possibly be? Was all that has gone before a charade? Did we not shoot or bomb enough mud huts, cave entrances, or did we not kill enough innocent people.

Was it something I said? Was it the Democrats not caving in to the W_administration sufficiently? Did the troops in the field not perform to their utmost ability?

In the face of the best the west had in its armament and tactical locker to bring to force against the political entity called Taliban, Taliban has survived, flourished and is occupying the heartland of Afghanistan unopposed. I do not believe that evil is the cause for their success from inside their ranks. The evil is outside in the way and means of forces opposing such a paternalistic and vulnerable martial group. Errors are being made every day by the west. The guard is down because the political prosecution of this war is being directed by a narrow minded and corporate mentality that has allowed corrupt business practices to become the rule. They will have their wealth at no cost to themselves. As long as the little people stand about with their remotes in their hands nothing but evil will come about.

The world will continue to turn. The seasons will change. Dancing with the stars will continue to play to the proles. As a nation the US will no longer have a place in the world of honest interaction outside arms and destruction of others by surrogates.

Many of you who now give lip service to this sad period in our lives will perhaps in the final moments of your conscious existence ask in pain, "What was I thinking?"

The Old Dog

Today in Iraq

Please, be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, be responsible.

You have no business to believe me.

I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself. . .

If you have not a critical mind, your visit here is useless.

G.I. Gurdjieff


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