Bovine Ecreation
The Real Power of Bullshit
In 1044, a Chinese alchemist was working on the Universal Panaceum.
It was supposed to be panaceum of Panaceums.
The medication for absolutely everything.
And indeed it was.
The inventor was blown to 1000 pieces.
He did not even have time to feel the pain.
And so Gunpowder was born.
The Chinese military really did not take full advantage of the invention.
They focused their energy not so much on guns as on bombs.
The Chinese being the Chinese gave them all kinds of fantastic names:
"The fire of skies ", " The bombs from Gods", " Heavenly hand "
The gun technology did not really take off until around the year 1287 in Europe.
Europeans immediately recognized what kind of treasure they had on their hands.
Historians just recently found the answer to why the Europeans and not the Chinese won the arms race.
The most effective gun powder is made from saltpeter mixed with charcoal and sulfur.
And the most common source for saltpeter was animal dung.
And the best and strongest was the dung of bulls.
So dung became the most critical ingredient for gunpowder.
Europeans were much more advanced in breeding and farming bulls and cows than the Chinese.
Their gunpowder was much, much stronger.
This paved the way for much more powerful and effective weapons.
Of course every monarch and prince wanted to have cannons.
Cannons were very expensive.
Cash shortage!!
At the same time silver was discovered in the mountains of Bohemia.
Millions of coins minted there were called "thalers "
which very shortly became known as dollars.
The new thalers - dollars helped the industry to grow.
Bullshit was in great demand
And under many different meanings it became the power in the world it is still today
Even the Almighty Dollar -- indirectly comes from bullshit.
So, I think we can safely say that Bullshit is the biggest power in the World, especially if we apply a little more sophisticated version of this magnificent expression to our political establishment.
Thank you,
Lanten Bearer
In 1044, a Chinese alchemist was working on the Universal Panaceum.
It was supposed to be panaceum of Panaceums.
The medication for absolutely everything.
And indeed it was.
The inventor was blown to 1000 pieces.
He did not even have time to feel the pain.
And so Gunpowder was born.
The Chinese military really did not take full advantage of the invention.
They focused their energy not so much on guns as on bombs.
The Chinese being the Chinese gave them all kinds of fantastic names:
"The fire of skies ", " The bombs from Gods", " Heavenly hand "
The gun technology did not really take off until around the year 1287 in Europe.
Europeans immediately recognized what kind of treasure they had on their hands.
Historians just recently found the answer to why the Europeans and not the Chinese won the arms race.
The most effective gun powder is made from saltpeter mixed with charcoal and sulfur.
And the most common source for saltpeter was animal dung.
And the best and strongest was the dung of bulls.
So dung became the most critical ingredient for gunpowder.
Europeans were much more advanced in breeding and farming bulls and cows than the Chinese.
Their gunpowder was much, much stronger.
This paved the way for much more powerful and effective weapons.
Of course every monarch and prince wanted to have cannons.
Cannons were very expensive.
Cash shortage!!
At the same time silver was discovered in the mountains of Bohemia.
Millions of coins minted there were called "thalers "
which very shortly became known as dollars.
The new thalers - dollars helped the industry to grow.
Bullshit was in great demand
And under many different meanings it became the power in the world it is still today
Even the Almighty Dollar -- indirectly comes from bullshit.
So, I think we can safely say that Bullshit is the biggest power in the World, especially if we apply a little more sophisticated version of this magnificent expression to our political establishment.
Thank you,
Lanten Bearer
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